13 NI24 01 02 03
Renovation of a Private Apartment, 2024.
12 The Public Object 01
Third Year Studio at the Negev School of Architecture, 2023-2024.
04.1 Book of Briefs (vol.2)
Publication, Negev School of Architecture, 2023. Co-edited with Georgia Hablützel and Anna Tordera.
11 Design Proposal for the Municipality of Ajaccio 01
Competition 2nd Price, Corsica, 2023. In collaboration with web-site.info (Dor Schindler, Georgia Hablützel).
10 Desert Veil 01 02
Conference and Publication, presented at the Urbanism in the Expanded Field Symposium, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Department of Architecture, Jerusalem, 2023. In collaboration with web-site.info (Dor Schindler, Georgia Hablützel).
09 DhM 57 01
Renovation of a Private Apartment, 2023.
08 Mapping Practices at the Age of the Anthropocene 01
Lecture at the Bezalel Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture, Jerusalem, 2023.
07 Conflict Landscapes
Publication in Protocol 13, Magazin für Architektur im Kontext, Universitat der Künste, Berlin, 2022.
06 Hearth 01
Competition Entry, London, 2022. In collaboration with web-site.info (Dor Schindler, Georgia Hablützel).
05.1 Nuit Blanche 01 02 03
Exhibition, Paris, 2022.
05 Pedestal 01 02
Design Commission, 2022.
04 Book of Briefs (vol.1) 01
Publication, Negev School of Architecture, 2022. Co-edited with Georgia Hablützel.
03 Proposal for a Pavillion 01 02
Copenhagen, 2022.
02.1 Exhibition at the Forus Gallery 01 02 03
Sendai, Japan, 2021.
02 Shelter Prototype 01
Design Commission for the Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture, Japan, 2020.
01.1 Revue Fig #6
Publication, 2020.
01 Virtual Borders of Liquid Territories 01
Research, ENSA Paris-Malaquais, 2019.