13 | NI24
Renovation of a Private Apartment, 2024. |
12 | The Public Object
Third Year Studio at the Negev School of Architecture, 2023-2024. |
04.1 | Book of Briefs (vol.2)
Publication, Negev School of Architecture, 2023. Co-edited with Georgia Hablützel and Anna Tordera. |
11 | Design Proposal for the Municipality of Ajaccio
Competition 2nd Price, Corsica, 2023. In collaboration with web-site.info (Dor Schindler, Georgia Hablützel). |
10 | Desert Veil
Conference and Publication, presented at the Urbanism in the Expanded Field Symposium, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Department of Architecture, Jerusalem, 2023. In collaboration with web-site.info (Dor Schindler, Georgia Hablützel). |
09 | DhM 57
Renovation of a Private Apartment, 2023. |
08 | Mapping Practices at the Age of the Anthropocene
Lecture at the Bezalel Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture, Jerusalem, 2023. |
07 | Conflict Landscapes
Publication in Protocol 13, Magazin für Architektur im Kontext, Universitat der Künste, Berlin, 2022. |
06 | Hearth
Competition Entry, London, 2022. In collaboration with web-site.info (Dor Schindler, Georgia Hablützel). |
05.1 | Nuit Blanche
Exhibition, Paris, 2022. |
05 | Pedestal
Design Commission, 2022. |
04 | Book of Briefs (vol.1)
Publication, Negev School of Architecture, 2022. Co-edited with Georgia Hablützel. |
03 | Proposal for a Pavillion
Copenhagen, 2022. |
02.1 | Exhibition at the Forus Gallery
Sendai, Japan, 2021. |
02 | Shelter Prototype
Design Commission for the Alliance for Humanitarian Architecture, Japan, 2020. |
01.1 | Revue Fig #6
Publication, 2020. |
01 | Virtual Borders of Liquid Territories
Research, ENSA Paris-Malaquais, 2019. |
